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- Date and time is TBDViana do Castelo

Ambassador & Art Supplies Designer
In the backstage with DARTECOR are some amazing Artists, testing, developing and creating new products.
This way we can meet Artists true needs, while creating better and unique products.
The Logo, Color Checker, Proportion Divider, line of boxes, packaging and color sets od Dartecor are designed by Becken Filipe and it is entirely conceptualized and materialized in our warehouse in Portugal. All colors are Handmade.
Art Supplies
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
“The culmination of my artistic work
is only possible thanks to the invaluable patronage and support
of the Schorlemmer and the Vieira Amorim families,
whose commitment to art has been instrumental in bringing my vision to life.
My deepest gratitude to all collectors and friends
who have accompanied and supported this artistic journey.”
Becken Filipe
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